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Growing happiness

Hot This Week
Growing happiness
Just like regular Monstera plants, it needs indirect sunlight and regular watering to stay healthy and beauty. Loved by plant collectors for its distinct look and charm
This variant has garnered attention from plant enthusiasts worldwide, thanks to its unique appearance and gradual color transformation. Originating from Mr. Kunzo, a seasoned plant enthusiast in Japan, 'Yellow Marilyn' has become a sought-after addition to many indoor plant collections.
The Monstera Burle Marxs Flame is exactly what you are looking for! With its big fenestrations, it knows how to captivate the eye. You can really see family resemblances with the other Monstera’s, but that is what we know and love the Monstera family for.
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Care Tips
Let's grow beautiful
plant together!
These are some of our experiences in plant care that we would
like to share with you. We hope they are useful to you.
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